When Google announced the shutdown of Google Reader I started to look for a new home of my more than 100 RSS feeds which I regularly read.
In late April 2013 Reeder 2, my favorite RSS reader app on iOS, added support for Feedbin so I gave it a try.
The migration was pretty easy. I exported my RSS feeds on Google Reader, imported the OPML file in Feedbin and reconfigured Reeder to the new service. The only information lost were the folder structure of my feeds but this was not a big issue since Feedbin supports so called tags, which resemble folders more or less. After I tagged my feeds and arranged them as before, Reeder appeared absolute identical than before the service migration.
After a few weeks of usage, Feedbin added support of starred items and the possibility to import the file starred.json which came along with the exported OPML file. Since then, the service is a 100% replacement for Google Reader, which went offline on July 1st 2013.
Since I read RSS about 1 hour every day, the costs of $20 per year for Feedbin are absolutely acceptable for me – the service runs highly reliable and the update time in Reeder seems to be even faster than with Google Reader.
/system reboot
About the web frontend of Feedbin I can not tell much since I use it for managing my feeds only. It is easy to use, responds quickly and it probably handles RSS reading very well too.